Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Free Press, Free

Welcome to:

I bought a paper in New York City once and I didn't read or even look at it for a week.  The cost was ... I don't know.  Something!?  My point is: why?  Why would you pay for a newspaper in New York City?  Everything is free here, remember?  You've been tuning in weekly right?  Donating to the good fight?

Now you're learning.  Now, I'm NOT saying to stop supporting your local newspaper.  Coming from a jouralistic background I say that if you are spending $5 on a coffee... go the extra mile there champ and pay 50 cents with your left-over pocket change and support a dying business.  But if you're like me and you just walked into a bank only for the free coffee... we should talk.

Now that we're all on the same newspaper page, let's dance.  Okay... 
There are a ton of free newspapers in the city.  In all cites.  In Tampa, even the main newspapers also created free versions.  One was called TBT and was great.  In NYC, there seems like one per 10 blocks.  The best?  The NYC Metro and AMNY.  The New York City Metro recently had an article about how they were read by like 1.5 million people or so.  That's based on my zero memory of numbers, but you get the banana.

The best thing about the free papers, honestly... is that there is less reading, more activity.  And, might I add: MORE FREE STUFF.  Honestly, if you want to stay up-to-date on what's free in the city, honestly, there's no better consistent place to look than the paper.
Especially because it catered to a younger crowd and sums up the news.

So walk up to an Orange Metro stand and pull one out today and heck, take the AMNY too while you're at it.  They are all over the place.  All the cool kids are reading them.  Are you?

That being said... how would you like to read the Sunday New York Times... for free?   It's $5 on Sunday and $6 elsewhere and has probably $10,000 worth of coupons (again: based on my zero ability with numbers).  How about Monday... you know... at 7-8pm when you were going to get around to reading it anyway.  Sure... then just go to a little park located on the corner of Broadway and 31st right by the Jersey subway.  One of those corners will have all of the throw-away Sunday papers.  Don't say I didn't feed ya baby kittens.

Stay on it.  And stay safe.  But mostly...

Stay alert.

Timmy Daniels

Free Glass of Booze, Anyone?

I'm kidding. Oh wait. No... I'm not.

Please go to This Link for details.

Timmy Daniels
Timmy Daniels says: Free What?  Free huh?  Keep talking.

Don't say I play around. Say I stay alert.

Timmy Daniels - "helping with your buzz"

Stay alert.